One of the more difficult tasks that fall to Texas municipal officials is the negotiation of contracts with police and fire unions. Widespread calls for police reform following the killing last year of George Floyd have complicated often-contentious negotiations with...
Creative Representation For Governmental Entities
Public Sector Labor Relations
Texas municipal employees unions breathe sigh of relief
Police and firefighter unions in municipalities across the state likely breathed a sigh of relief when the Texas Court of Appeals decided in favor of the Houston Professional Firefighters Association (HPFFA). The union and city have been skirmishing over firefighters’...
Voters in Texas city to decide fate of police union
Every year, May 1 commemorates the struggles and gains of workers around the world. This year, International Workers’ Day will have added significance in San Antonio, where the city’s voters will decide that day the fate of the police union’s collective bargaining...
How the pandemic altered Texas city-police union negotiations
Almost every aspect of life has been complicated by the coronavirus pandemic. It would surprise few if the pandemic – coupled with sporadic civil unrest this year – made often-problematic negotiations between Texas municipalities and police unions more difficult....
Fight brewing between Texas cities and state over funding, taxes
Since the death in May of Texas native George Floyd, there have been protests across Texas and the nation demanding police reform, including calls to “defund” police departments by redistributing funds to public safety programs and social service agencies. Austin...
Budget pressure on Texas cities intensifies
With thousands of new coronavirus cases being reported daily in Texas, cities across the state are bracing for more drops in tax revenues. That revenue is needed, of course, to fund city services that include police, fire, education, libraries, street repairs,...