Creative Representation For Governmental Entities

Dropping out of the race

On Behalf of | Aug 2, 2019 | Election Law |

As we enter the last half of 2019, more people are talking about the 2020 elections. While the more popular conversation tends to be about the presidential election, there are other offices up for re-election in 2020.

Running for office is expensive and difficult, no matter what office you want to win. The more people running makes the process even more challenging, and, unfortunately, not everyone makes it to the final ballot.

Here’s what you should know about dropping out of a race for political office.

The logistics of quitting

In the world of government and politics, deadlines are critical. Busy offices often do not have time to sort out incorrect paperwork and will close the books on an opportunity after the preset deadline.

If you are thinking about dropping out of an election, pay close attention to the withdrawal date. In some cases, if you miss the deadline, you could still end up with your name on the ballot. Also, pay attention to where you need to send the paperwork, then follow up to make sure the right people received the correct information.

Letting everyone know

You should also let your constituents know that you are no longer seeking office. Your supporters may have given time or money to help you with your campaign, and they will appreciate a message from you about your decision. Consider releasing your announcement in more than one format, including:

  • Facebook and other social media
  • The local newspaper
  • Local radio or television

While you may have personal reasons for quitting the election, you may want to consider the impact on your political party. Depending on when you step out of the race, your party may lose the opportunity to replace you on the ballot on election day.



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