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Preparing to report campaign finances after an election

On Behalf of | Oct 12, 2018 | Uncategorized |

As election season wraps up within the next few weeks, Texas candidates and political committees will once again prepare records of their campaign finances. Throughout your campaign, you must frequently submit a report to the Federal Election Commission, so take a moment to review the requirements online.

Accounting for all contributions

You need to pay attention to the details of the funding that you raise, such as the date of receipt and amount of each contribution. Although it is important to make sure your report accurately accounts for all monetary donations you received, it is also vital to understand the many ways in which non-monetary contributions could exist along the campaign trail. Non-monetary contributions can include discounted printing services or loans, for example.

Maintaining records can be difficult, especially for first-time candidates and new committees. The FEC can provide necessary information about recording and reporting your funding, including tips for a successful report.

However, campaign law is a complex subject. In many cases, candidates encounter unique obstacles or benefits that could obscure their records. Regardless, you must comply with these regulations despite what happens during your campaign.

Proactive organization along the campaign trail

Failure to stay organized throughout a campaign could risk violating FEC regulations, which is why the best time to begin preparing for your report is at the beginning of a campaign. Although this election season is ending, those who are considering running for a public position in the future should also keep FEC regulatory requirements in mind.

Candidates and organizations at the local level, in particular, may need to consult an attorney to ensure that their records accurately reflect donations. Without a large, experienced staff already on your side, keeping track of funding – and any related problems – may be challenging.



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