Creative Representation For Governmental Entities

Going on a rampage is not always a bad thing

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2018 | Government Ethics And Compliance |

Readers unfamiliar with our firm might be a bit surprised by our claim that we practice “rampage law.” It’s an understandable reaction; the definition of rampage being, according to Webster’s, an outbreak of violent, raging behavior.

That is not what we practice. Rather, we use the word to signify our recognition that the challenges government organizations across Texas face today are different than what they faced yesterday, and that today’s solutions won’t always address the needs and legal requirements that clients will face tomorrow. Our philosophy calls on us to meet each clients’ unique needs to do their jobs better by focusing our firm’s combined legal experience to find creative solutions.

Nearly every year brings new mandates and regulations about how governments operate. Matters can involve everything from managing administrative and deliberative processes and personnel hiring, to advancing development needs in the community and responding to legal disputes that inevitably arise.

Changes in the Texas Public Information Act serve as just one example. The advent of social media platforms creates avenues through which information can flow to the public. Community members have a right to some of that information, but not all of it. Government administrators have a right to establish policies that control what employees share through these platforms, and to pursue disciplinary action if violations occur. How to do that without violating an individual worker’s rights, however, could present a challenge.

The scope of responsibility that taxpayer-funded agencies deal with is massive and each one must meet legal compliance requirements at one or all levels, local, state and federal. By consulting with skilled counsel, you can be confident of effective guidance.



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